2020 Stakeholder Survey Preliminary White Paper 2019 A Legal Perspective on Technology and the Capital Markets: Social Media, Short Activism and the Algorithmic Revolution Joshua Mitts Economics of Technology, Securities and Capital Markets Katya Malinova 2018 The Rise of Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance Merritt B Fox Initial Public Offerings in the CMU: A U.S. Perspective, Capital Markets Union in Europe Merritt B Fox 2017 Evaluating Trading Practices and Their Regulation Merritt B. Fox Kevin S. Haeberle Stock Market Futurism Merritt Fox Gabriel Rauterberg 2015 The New Stock Market: Sense and Nonsense Merritt B. Fox Lawrence R. Glosten Gabriel V. Rauterberg 2014 U.S. Regulation of the International Securities and Derivatives Markets Edward F Greene Alan L Beller Edward J Rosen Leslie N Silverman Daniel A Braverman Halliburton II: It All Depends on What Defendants Need to Show to Establish No Impact on Price Merritt B Fox Ongoing Issues in Russian Corporate Governance Merritt B Fox 2012 Securities Class Actions Against Foreign Issuers Merritt B Fox 2010 Short Selling and the News: A Preliminary Report on an Empirical Study Lawrence R Glosten Merritt B Fox Paul C Tetlock 2008 Civil Liability and Mandatory Disclosure Merritt B Fox 2005 Market Microstructure: A Survey of Microfoundations, Empirical Results, and Policy Implications Lawrence R Glosten Bruno Biais Chester Spatt Featured Publication edit publication {{ name }} . . . Abstract Citation No resultsThere are no publications with the provided filters. Sort Publications By Keyword filter: {{ filter.label }}
A Legal Perspective on Technology and the Capital Markets: Social Media, Short Activism and the Algorithmic Revolution Joshua Mitts
Initial Public Offerings in the CMU: A U.S. Perspective, Capital Markets Union in Europe Merritt B Fox
U.S. Regulation of the International Securities and Derivatives Markets Edward F Greene Alan L Beller Edward J Rosen Leslie N Silverman Daniel A Braverman
Halliburton II: It All Depends on What Defendants Need to Show to Establish No Impact on Price Merritt B Fox
Short Selling and the News: A Preliminary Report on an Empirical Study Lawrence R Glosten Merritt B Fox Paul C Tetlock
Market Microstructure: A Survey of Microfoundations, Empirical Results, and Policy Implications Lawrence R Glosten Bruno Biais Chester Spatt